Sunday 23 January 2022

YOU can become Good News

Jesus, quoting from the book of Isaiah (Luke 1:14-21), says that he is “anointed to bring good news” 

Jesus is the fulfillment of this scripture.

Likewise it is the Church’s mission to not only bring good news to the poor and to those in need (which is everyone), it is the church’s mission to BE good news.

In the midst of a global pandemic, in the midst of global warming, climate change and ecological disasters, in the midst of very dangerous political polarizations, we, the church, the people of God, are called to BE GOOD NEWS. 

Our lives as spiritual beings are not as much about right belief. For far too long religion has been about who has the “right” belief system. Instead, our spiritual lives are more about RIGHT LIVING.

We do not “think” ourselves in to a new way of thinking, we “live” ourselves into a new way of thinking. 

Our deepening loving and unitive experiences are to change our dualistic and divisive thinking. 

Faith is more about how we live on a daily basis than making verbal assent to this or that idea.

So as a church, it is far more important to BE good news than it is to proclaim good news. 

So how do we “become” good news?

By being changed or transformed from the inside out.

How are we transformed?

By spending intentional and conscious time in the Presence of Christ.

By spending intentional and conscious time in the Presence of Love.

So that we not only think about or talk about love and being loving.

We actually BECOME Love, we become a conduit for Love’s Presence. 

We become Christ to those around us.

We become Love to those around us. 

As we are changed, the Spirit works in us enabling us to make a difference to those whom we meet and reach out to. 

Are you spending time in the prayerful presence of Christ, the presence of Love, and in the process of being transformed from the image to likeness of Christ? Are you becoming good news for those around you and for the world?

What are you doing to support this church’s mission as we, as a diverse and inclusive community of faith, seek to become good news to the communities and world around us?

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