Friday 19 December 2014

Christmas Gift

Christmas is about many things to many different people. Yet underneath all of our various understandings of the season, Christmas is not so much about receiving as it is fundamentally about giving. Christmas can be about giving and exchanging gifts with family and friends. It can be about giving to those in need in our neighbourhoods or on the other side of the world. It can be about giving to our church and other charities to support their work in our communities. The season can be about giving of our time to be with someone who is alone or who is shut in. Christmas can be about giving of our presence as we spend time with family and with friends. Christmas is about all of these things and more. For Christians, Christmas is about God’s gift of Divine Life and Love given to the world in Christ in that very first Christmas over 2000 years ago in Bethlehem. God’s gift of abundant love was announced to Mary and is revealed in Jesus Christ. It is a Love gift that is within every human being and is meant to lavishly share with many other people. It is a gift that is freely given to us. It is a gift that we are to freely share with others. Merry Christmas!

Father Gerald+

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