Tuesday, 15 September 2020

Outrageous Generosity

what generosity

outrageous generosity

in God's 


all are treated 

the same

all are seen

as equal

no matter


you come



as long as you


as long as you 


you will be 


the same


the same

you are

the same

Sunday, 6 September 2020

The Foundational Reason for the Existence of the Church

The ministry of the Church is multifold. But what is at the very “heart” of our ministry? What is the first and foundational reason for the existence of Christian Church?


We are made for relationship.

We are made to be in right relationship with each other. 

We are made to be in right relationship with creation.

We are made to be in right relationship with God.

But guess what?

We do and say hurtful things.

We cause problems in our relationships with God and each other.

The Christ event - forgiveness, unimaginable love, and union - has restored us into right relationship with God and one another. 

Putting it into practice is another story!

Reconciling broken relationships

“If your brother or sister sins against you…tell him his fault between you and him alone…take one or two others along with you…tell the Church…” Matthew

1. We need to use wisdom and initiative in seeking to reconcile broken relationships.  

2. This is not easy.  

3. Many people, when something goes wrong, drop the relationship or leave the community.  

That being said, not all relationships are healable at the surface. Both parties have to want to be reconciled. And often that doesn’t happen. Yet we have to maintain an open hearted stance to the possibility of reconciliation. 

In fact, if there are people in our lives that continue to cause us harm, we need to walk away from them.

Foundationally, in order for us to be open to restoring broken relationships, we need to be openly part of the process of being continually changed by the Word of God, and the Loving Presence and activity of God within us.

Soft Heart and Soft Eyes

“If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts.” (Psalm)

Hearing the Word of God is meant to change and soften our hearts, and soften our eyes toward one another.

We are made to love God and one another.

Let all of us commit to being open to the healing Presence and activity of God within us, and from that open hearted stance, to be open to the healing of the broken relationships in our families and communities.