Sunday, 12 July 2020

Is Your Love Growing and Deepening?

Proper 15, Year A, 12 July 2020

Matt: 13:1-9

Liturgically, as a church, we are in the season of ordinary time, and the liturgical colour is green. Green is symbolic of growth. For us as Christians, this is a time for us to be growing or deepening spiritually.

It is a time for us to pay close attention to the words and actions of Jesus.

Jesus, of course, was a great teacher, and he spoke of the very deep truths of the soul, to the larger crowds, in parables, or stories, in order to invite understanding and experience of the ever emerging Holy Spirit, and how that Spirit of Love is to direct and form your life.

Jesus’ life and witness has everything to do with inviting spiritual deepening.

Deepening in awareness of the Divine Life that you are.

This deepening in spiritual awareness can’t be forced.

You have to be ready and want to walk the spiritual path.

You have to recognize and respond to your own yearning for the more of God, the more of Love.

Depending on where you are in your spiritual awakening, will depend on where you are in Jesus’ parable of the sower.

  • seeds falling on the edge of the path that birds eat up.
  • Seeds falling on rock with no depth for roots, so it withers right away.
  • Seeds falling among thorns that get choked out.
  • And seeds on rich soil that have a rich yield. 

In this parable of the Sower, Jesus, among other things, is inviting us into how to be more self aware: 

  • aware of what is going on inside of us;
  • Aware of the inner obstacles that keep us from connecting with God and every other;
  • Aware of that which keeps us from growing in love.

That is the purpose and objective of our lives, to be in Love.

  • to be in love with God.
  • To be in love with life
  • To be in love with yourself
  • To be in love with everyone
  • To be in love with creation
  • To be in love with love. 

So begin to notice when you are not in love. 

Where is your seed falling?

On the edge of the path?

On the rocks?

Amongst the thorns?

Or is your seed falling on good and fertile soil of the heart?

Is your love growing?