Sunday 17 May 2020

"I am in you." A Homily for Easter 6, 17 May 2020

Easter 6, Year A, 17 May 2020
John 14:15-21

“If you love me, you will keep my commandments”

What are the commandments?
Love God
Love yourself
Love your neighbour

The commandments are not about moral codes, judgements on ourselves and others, nor are they about separation and condemnation. 

The commandments are about a relational flow of love that connects us to God, to each other, and to all of creation. 

“he will give you another advocate to be with you always”

The Holy Spirit. Or in other words, Love’s companioning Presence.

“But you know him [the Holy Spirit], because he remains with you, and will be in you.”

The Holy Spirit is not something external to ourselves, but something that rises up from within. 

“In a little while the world will no longer see me, but you will see me, because I live and you will live.”

How will we see Christ?
By learning how to notice Love’s presence in ourselves and and then noticing that same Loving presence in others. 

“On that day you will realize that I am in my Father and you are in me and I in you”

What Jesus has revealed to us is not an isolated Trinitarian relationship between Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Jesus has revealed the pattern of all of our lives. And he invites us to follow him on this path of awakening to the enduring relational life of Love.

“I am in you and you are in me.” 

That is what Conscious Love does.
That is what God is doing.

In this time of pandemic and physical isolating, and all of the social and economic consequences that come with it, we are not to be full of fear and feeling alone.

As we learn the spiritual path of Jesus, we learn and practice going deeper than our fears and isolation. 

We can discover that there is in fact a Loving Presence within us, the Holy Spirit, and that we can not only be in relationship with this Loving Presence, but that we can become that Loving Presence. 

What a world in a pandemic needs right now is God’s Presence, Love’s Presence, your Loving Presence. 

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