Sunday 24 March 2013

Palm Sunday Reflection

Palm Sunday, 24 March 2013

Today is Palm or Passion Sunday, the beginning of Holy Week, the most sacred time in the Christian’s year.

Jesus journeyed from the transfiguration (the disciples experiencing Jesus' Risen Life) on Mount Hermon to the suffering and passion of Jerusalem, to die and to rise for humanity. 

Jesus Christ is for all of humanity
Jesus Christ reconciles humanity and Divinity.
Jesus Christ reconciles humanity and humanity.
This Good News, this Gospel is for all of creation for all time.

Jesus embraced his suffering for all of humanity because he recognized that his life was not his own, that it was a Life that he shared with the Father .

The whole of Jesus’ life: humility and service
  • From His birth in a manger in Bethlehem.
  • Being brought up as a son of a tradesman in Nazareth.
  • To his being baptized by John in the river Jordan.
  • The temptations in the wilderness.
  • His ministry to the sick and suffering.
  • His ministry to the marginalized and outcasts.
  • His living on the charity of others.
  • His entering Jerusalem on a donkey.
  • His passion and death on the cross.

Today on Passion Sunday, we recognize that His suffering and dying is for all of humanity.
  • So that we may be in loving relationship with God and with one another. 
  • So that we may be FREE AND EQUAL with one another.
  • that human societies may be free and equal.
Our Witness: Is it Hosanna or Crucify Him?
We have to bear witness to this beautiful truth in Jesus Christ – that we are all made free and equal. Do we live our lives in such a way that we are critical of those who are different from us, who challenge us: in other words, "Crucify Him, crucify them." Or are our lives lived in such a way that regardless of the person or issue before us, we can affirm life in the power of a Love bigger than we are? In other words, "Hosanna to Christ who is Lord of Life."

As a Church, let us know and share this Good News with our families, friends, our community and the world, as we seek to live a life of humble service to those around us, and to those most in need.

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