Sunday, 3 June 2012


Last night our parish had its 10th annual spring auction. It was an absolutely wonderful night. Music, fine dining, beautifully decorated space, and a 100 people of good cheer and good will.

A huge amount of effort and organization goes into putting off such an event. The commitment of the organizers, the charity of the donors, the generosity of the participants.

It is through events like our annual auction that I am reminded that there are people who understand and support the important work that we do as a church.

But events like the auction is not enough to support the church's ongoing and demanding mission of the transformation of hearts, minds and societies.

The church needs people to support its day to day work with:
- yes with some of their time,
- yes with some of their gifts,
- but also yes with their money. Regular and consistent contributions at that!

We've all heard the old saying that "money makes the world go round." Money is not what we live for, but money is required to support life with all of its different needs. And the absolutely necessary work of the church is among those needs that require financial support.

Wherever you are, know that the church in your community is doing very important and worthwhile work. It needs your support.

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