I think it is fair to say that most of us want our lives to be meaningful.
I think it is fair to say that most of us, when we get out of bed in the morning, that there is a purpose to the things we will do in our day, that there is a purpose to our lives as a whole.
Yet, for many people, this "purpose," this "meaning" is never found.
You can have the best social life in the world, and there will still be something missing inside of you.
You can have the nicest house or car in the world, and there will still be something missing inside of you.
You can be the best at your job or a particular sport or activity, and there will still be something missing within you.
You can have the best spouse or partner, the best children or grandchildren in the world, and there will still be something missing within you.
Many folk will try, over their lifetime, to fill their emptiness inside with going from distraction to distraction, only to be left unfulfilled in the process. And in the end, to have no answer to the question: What has been the meaning and purpose of my life?
Christians suggest that the most full and complete answer to the meaning of our lives in found in the life, death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. I certainly believe this to be so.
I know that there is an emptiness within the human experience of life.
I also know that coming to know who Jesus Christ is will fill that emptiness, and make your life more complete and whole. To come to know who Christ is, will give the meaning and purpose to your whole life that you are seeking.
On Monday, April 23, the Parish of the Resurrection in South River Newfoundland, will be offering the Alpha course. It is a 7 week course that begins with supper at 6:30pm. During the 7 Monday nights, you get to learn more about the Christian faith and who Jesus is, you get to experience the Love that is God, and you get to make new friends in the process.
The Alpha is a wonderful course, and it is an absolutely wonderful opportunity to explore the meaning of Life.
Why don't you think about coming?
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